Full Version: Can I use a phone as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot?
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Robert wants to buy a phone to use as a mobile hotspot to get online with his tablet and other devices. Which phone should he choose, or is there a better answer?

I have several devices that I'd like to be able to connect to the internet when on the move. I'd like to avoid the cost of multiple 3G or 4G subscriptions and get a small telephone that could act as a Wi-Fi hub. I'd like a smallish phone as I tend to prefer my tablet for browsing and my phone for calling people. I'd also like to buy it outright, to avoid the need for an expensive subscription, so something fairly cheap would be a bonus. Anyone making anything like this yet?

You can connect a laptop to the internet by plugging in a "dongle" or "USB modem", or by connecting the laptop to your mobile phone via a USB cable. If you want to connect several devices at once, you can use a mobile phone's data connection to create a Wi-Fi hotspot. This is called tethering, and it's built into many if not most smartphones nowadays. (If not, you can sometimes download an app that will do the job.) However, tethering tends to consume a lot of data, and some networks charge extra for it.

Posted at http://www.theguardian.com/technology/as...fi-hotspot